
I'm not sure I can fully explain what has motivated me to write "Tim's Devotional Page." Having received no divine inspiration in the form of a burning bush or similar experience, I can only say, for lack of a more profound explanation, it just seemed like the thing to do.

I hope you benefit from the words I write. As I am far from being a Bible scholar, I trust you will look to the precedence set in Numbers 22:27-31 for the proclaiming of God's truth through non-seminary educated individuals (and livestock). It is my firm intent to be as accurate as possible in all of my writings, but I would nevertheless be remiss if I did not urge you to carefully evaluate all of my writings against what is found in scripture (Acts 17:11). Indeed, the example set by the church in Berea is one we would all do well to follow!

The weekly devotional series has been designed so that you can begin it at any time, not just the beginning of the year. Though some of the references may be to events that were occurring at the time of writing, I trust you will find the study to be relevant at whatever point you may decide to "jump in."

At the end of each devotional you will find two sections: "For Further Study" and "Read the Bible in a Year." I would encourage you to take advantage of one or the other as a means of furthering your own personal Bible study. The former offers expanded or additional passages relating to the week's devotional. The latter will take you through the entire Bible in one year, averaging a modest 3-4 chapters a day. If you feel you are too busy to do either, I would suggest that you skip the devotional and read the Bible instead. Remember, "Tim's Weekly Devotional" is not inspired!

If you appreciate the devotional series, I hope you will take the time to write and let me know. This serves two important purposes. First, it helps to encourage me that I am writing to an audience of more than just Internet search engines. Secondly, it gives you a chance to offer comments, questions, prayer requests, or anything else you might like to convey to me. I look forward to hearing from you!

To God be the Glory!

Copyright © 1998 Tim A. Krell. All rights reserved. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

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