Read Through the Bible in a Year!
Join the Team!
You don't have to do anything to join--just start reading!! If you'd like,
please send an e-mail to to let me know
you'll be reading through with us.
In the message,
please provide the following information.
- Your first or given name
- Your e-mail address
- Where you currently live (City, State/Province and Country)
- How you will be reading through the Bible (e.g., Start to Finish, Chronological, etc.)
- When you plan to finish reading through the Bible (e.g., December 31, 2001)
- What version of the Bible you will be using (e.g., NIV, NASB, NAB, etc.)
By sending an e-mail, you'll be able to let us know that you're reading along
with the rest of the team. There is no cost (other than your time) to join
the team!
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